Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.

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The main classification of rotary encoder.!

Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.   Release time:2016/4/7   Browse:698

The encoder can be classified in the following manner.

1, according to the code wheel engraved Holes different classification

(1) Incremental: is the angle per unit turned on the issue of a pulse signal (cosine signal being sent there, then subjected to segmentation, higher chopping frequency pulse), usually A-phase, B-phase , Z phase output, a-phase, B-phase pulse output mutual delayed 1/4 period, according to the delay relationship can be the difference between positive and negative, and by taking the a-phase, B-phase rising and falling edges can be 2 or 4-fold ; Z phase lap pulses per revolution emit a pulse.
(2) Absolute: is the corresponding circle, each emit a unique reference angle and the angle corresponding to the binary value via external devices can be recorded lap record and measure multiple locations.

2, according to the type of output signal is divided into: the voltage output, open collector output, a complementary push-pull outputs and long-term drive output.

3, the encoder mechanical mounting form classification

(1) a shaft type: shaft clamping flange type can be divided into synchronous and servo flange installation type.

(2) sleeve type: sleeve type can be divided into the air, fully air-type large-caliber and type.

4, the encoder works can be divided into: photoelectric, magnetic and electric contact brush type.

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