Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.

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Single-track Gray encoding!

Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.   Release time:2015-04-25   Browse:1204


    If the designer moves a contact to a different angular position (but at the same distance from the center shaft), then the corresponding "ring pattern" needs to be rotated the same angle to give the same output. If the most significant bit (the inner ring in Figure 1) is rotated enough, it exactly matches the next ring out. Since both rings are then identical, the inner ring can be omitted, and the sensor for that ring moved to the remaining, identical ring (but offset at that angle from the other sensor on that ring). Those two sensors on a single ring make a quadrature encoder.

    For many years, Torsten Sillke and other mathematicians believed that it was impossible to encode position on a single track so that consecutive positions differed at only a single sensor, except for the two-sensor, one-track quadrature encoder. However, in 1994 N. B. Spedding registered a patent (NZ Patent 264738) showing it was possible with several examples. See Single-track Gray code for details.

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