Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.

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Intelligent sensors development trend!

Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.   Release time:2016-07-14   Browse:959

Intelligent sensors development trend           

Industry experts pointed out that China must implement sensors in localization, applications and technological breakthroughs to the sensor in the international market have a certain status, to achieve speed the development of the networking industry, and intelligent sensor technology has become one of the trends in the food industry to upgrade.

It is understood that the current IC detector has a wide range of applications in food processing plants in foreign countries, this technique can detect the time deterioration of food. Food Shelf detection configuration consists of a scanner and sensors, as long as the inspectors will be aligned with the scanner emits a radio wave signals of food, it will allow food to vibrate, and the formation of music wave transmitted to the sensor. By comparing the standard database parameters can be detected within a short time to spoilage date, and the detection results are very accurate.
Food packaging machinery in detection technology is no longer limited to the application of the production line, with the importance of food in our country gradually increase the detection, detection technology applications will be further expanded.

Six years later: the localization rate will reach 70% or more sensors

1688 domestic enterprises engaged in the development, production and application of the sensor, which in MEMS development and production of more than 50, but the size and application areas are small.

In the absence of large-scale applications, domestic sensors ubiquitous low level of technology and the high price of contradictions. In the international market, Germany, Japan, the United States, Russia and other countries of the old industrial companies dominate sensor market, many manufacturers have realized the scale of production, and some of the annual production capacity of only tens of millions or even hundreds of millions only. By contrast, the scope of application of Chinese sensor narrower, more applications still remain in the basic application areas such as industrial measurement and control.
This depends, Chinese sensor market is extremely competitive.

Chinese sensor market has been growing in recent years, the growth rate of more than 15%. In 2012 the four areas Sensors Chinese industrial and automotive electronics, communications electronics, consumer electronics equipment, including industrial and automotive products account for around 42% market share, market size reached 16 billion yuan, the market breakthrough sensor
50 billion yuan.

Intelligent sensor technology has become one of the upgrade trend

The food industry, more and more high degree of automation processes, such as automation technology in packaging production line accounted for more than 50%, extensive use of computer control design and mechatronics, aims to improve productivity, improve the flexibility and agility equipment.
The smart temperature sensors and caters just to solve this situation, so problem solved.

With the importance of food in our country gradually increase the detection, detection technology applications will be further expanded. By comparing the standard database parameters can be detected within a short time to spoilage date, and the detection results are very accurate. Food packaging machinery in detection technology is no longer limited to the application of the production line, color machine vision products have been applied in food inspection, mainly through the color of the food to determine their maturity and quality levels.

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