Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.

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The position detection of CNC spindel encoder!

Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.   Release time:2017-03-17   Browse:897

The position detection device is installed on the actuator (ie, the end piece) to directly measure the linear displacement or angular displacement of the end part of the actuator. It can be called direct measurement. It can form a closed loop servo system with linear grating, linear induction Such as the use of a linear inspection device to measure the linear displacement of the machine. The measurement of the linear displacement of the machine is carried out by means of a linear inspection device. Its advantage is to directly reflect the table of the amount of linear displacement. The disadvantage is that the detection device is required to be equal to the stroke, which is a big limitation for large machines.
The position detection device is mounted on the transmission element or the drive motor shaft in front of the actuator to measure its angular displacement, and after the transmission ratio transformation, the linear displacement of the actuator can be obtained. This is called indirect measurement and can constitute a semi-closed loop servo feeding system The If the pulse encoder is mounted on the motor shaft. Indirect measurement is reliable and convenient, no length limit; its drawback is that in the detection signal to join the linear transformation into the rotary motion of the transmission chain error, thus affecting the measurement accuracy. Generally need to compensate for the transmission error of the machine in order to improve the positioning accuracy.absolute encoder, incremental encoder, displacement encoder,position encoder,

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