Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.

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Absolute encoders for solar power tracking systems!

Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.   Release time:2018-06-27   Browse:1012

In the last two years, the state has invested a large amount of funds to encourage various manufacturers to do solar power generation. This is to promote energy conservation and environmental protection. But now during the preliminary of the R&D stage in all manufacturers exist the same problems. R&D products can come out, if the rate of electricity generation is not high, electricity will be more expensive, and investors will face a problem of cost and technology renewal. Each manufacturer will want to use existing resources to collect more sunshine resources, thereby increasing light energy and thermal energy production. It is a problem for all manufacturers.
Here I use a sensor manufacturer to tell you that the current application of absolute encoders in the solar industry is extremely effective, and solar power generation is currently divided into the following categories:
The first is low-power concentrating photovoltaic power generation, the second is a new type of solar furnace and the third is multi-tower type spotlight tracking solar thermal power generation. These projects are often used outdoors in a rather harsh environment. For all product performance signal quality protection level requirements will be relatively high, first of all whether domestic or foreign product incremental encoder must be unable to use, parallel encoder is also very bad for the site because of the product more cable maintenance is more trouble.
Low-order concentrating photovoltaic power generation uses spin-elevation tracking instead of traditional azimuth-elevation tracking to allow the row and column motion equipment to effectively correct aberrations, and the control is simply improved by using the rotation depression angle or the disk to be positioned as the sun moves. Electricity generation rate, reduce costs.
The principle of the new solar furnace is basically similar but the difference is that the solar furnace's requirements for accuracy are higher than others. With the solar thermal industry, these two encoders have been used in conjunction with many solar energy companies to support the use of domestic and foreign projects among them.

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