Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.

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  • Changchun Rongde Optics
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string potentiometers|draw wire transducers|string encoders!

Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.   Release time:2015/8/24   Browse:1055

Draw wire sensors (string potentiometers|draw wire transducers|string encoders)are often used to measure linear speed and position for many automation applications.

 By using of a flexible cable, a spring-loaded spool, and a sensor (an optical rotary encoder with incremental, absolute, analog or potentiometric output), draw wire sensors(string potentiometers|draw wire transducers|string encoders)can precisely measure linear position. Draw wire sensors(string potentiometers|draw wire transducers|string encoders) do not need precise linear guidance and they are ideal for wet, dirty, or harsh outdoor environments and varied applications, including the applications in iron, steel, and wood (saw mills, joineries).

Draw wire sensors have many names. They are also known in the industry as yo yo pots, linear position string pots, cable transducers, cable-extension transducers, string potentiometers, draw wire transducers and string encoders.



The cable-extension transducers are used for simple distance measurements between 50 and 10,000 mm.This sensor is ideal for applications with large measuring ranges, small sensor dimensions and when a low cost solution is required.  Draw-wire sensors are ideally suited for both integrated as well as subsequent installation. A linear movement is transformed into a rotation by the draw-wire principle and converted into an electrical signal using a rotary encoder to a proportional analog signal or to countable increments. There are extremely attractive variants particularly for OEM applications.

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