Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.

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Manual pulse generator components and encoder working principle!

Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.   Release time:2016/2/22   Browse:813

Generator Fundamentals for Manual pulse generator

A high pressure ps pulse generator block diagram shown in Figure 1.
The generator consists of high voltage DC power, Marx generator, sharpening switch, cut the tail part of the switch, coaxial capacitive voltage divider, coaxial loads.

The generator means basic working principle is as follows: high-voltage DC power to the compact Marx generator is charged, when the Marx generator breakdown instantly turn the main switch, steep capacitance charging its capacitors in series to all levels, when the charging voltage reaches the steep when the breakdown voltage of the switch, the switch instantly breakdown sharpening, after sharpening the loop effect, Marx generator output pulse becomes ns pulse signal having a high voltage level falling ps; UHF signal through cable (50Ω) to transfer tail cut switch and cut switch breakdown gap by adjusting the tail to achieve the cutting of the tail function, thus forming coaxial load pulse edge at the trailing edge of the pulse width in ps level are high voltage pulse signal.
The entire apparatus by installing cutting coaxial capacitive voltage divider and coaxial load switch between the tail to measure high-voltage pulse signal ps level ultra-high frequency cable transmission.

It features some of the basic structure

High-voltage DC power supply for Manual pulse generator

In order to reduce the volume and weight of the entire apparatus, high-voltage DC power supply with high voltage constant current source (Tianjin Dongwen DW2P30321F1D). The power supply output voltage: DC0 ~ + 30kV; maximum output current: 1mA, with current, voltage adjustment potentiometer and display module, and over-voltage, over-current protection.
By adjusting the power supply output current to control the charging speed Marx generator, which in turn control the output pulse frequency, high voltage generator output and ultimately ps pulse repetition frequency control.

Compact Marx generator switchfor Manual pulse generator

Marx generator is the most critical part, since the breakdown of gas spark switch having a high breakdown voltage, and easy to control and so on. Combined with the actual situation of the device, compact Marx generator four main switches are self breakdown gas spark switch. In order to reduce the breakdown delay and improves performance of the switch is turned on, the switch selection electrode copper cylinder spherical cone-shaped electrode. Meanwhile, in order to ensure that the first-stage switch first breakdown, followed by other subsequent three switch instantly breakdown, the first stage switch breakdown gap distance is 1.2mm, the subsequent three switch clearance distances are 1.5mm.
The entire switch embedded in high-strength insulating material, can be adjusted by adjusting the output pulse amplitude within Marx generator switch gas pressure, thus achieving an output signal amplitude pulse generator means ps wide range of flexible and adjustable.

Tail cut switch for Manual pulse generator

Last cut one of the key components for the generator switch device. Ps has a cutting-edge high-voltage pulse signal level by the ultra-high frequency cable to the end of the cut through the steep switching action after the switch, formed by the leading edge of the tail switch tail cut cut cut effect, the trailing edge of the pulse width are ps-stage high pressure
pulse signal.

End switch installed between steep cut of switch and coaxial load. Strip the cable short cable jacket, and opened a blind hole to the core line of the blind hole is mounted on top of a conical cylindrical electrode, the bottom electrode and the cable network closely connected to the tail cut is equivalent to switch from breakdown gas spark switch, cable cores, cylindrical electrodes are equivalent to high and low voltage electrode (discharge gap 0.1mm ~ 2.5mm). Adjusted by a threaded needle electrode discharge gap between the core wire and cable to meet the breakdown condition, and thus achieve the purpose of cutting of the tail, and eventually developed herein, high-voltage pulse generator output stage ps signal amplitude adjustable width variable function. Tail-cut switch works shown in Figure 7, the electrode needle and cable core formed small capacitance C'p about 011pF, tail cut discharge circuit inductance L'p about 018nH. Figure 8 is a pulse waveform Have tail cut at the load resistance switching action.

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