Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.

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Encoder not count solution!

Changchun Rongde Optics Co.,Ltd.   Release time:2018-08-21   Browse:1219

Recently, a customer encountered a problem and asked me to look at it. The encoders they are using often have no data. The fault phenomenon is that in normal use, the encoder value is fixed at a value that does not change, over a period of time to count again.
The customer said that the encoder, the template and the cable have been replaced. When the problem occurs, the 24V power supply is also normal, but the problem remains. Since the device is ok, you can only consider grounding and interference. I remember that I have encountered similar problems before, and the encoder is not working properly due to the level.
Measure the voltage of the encoder power supply for the CPU ground in normal use and fault, and you should be able to find the cause. As a result, the voltage is only about 10V when the fault occurs. The template cannot recognize the signal, so it is not counted. Then the terminal 4 is grounded and the problem is solved.

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